
SMETA 4 pillar

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Willy Benecke maintains a management system for Corporate Social Responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable legislation.  Our CSR system is integrated in our corporate policy and Code of Conduct. It includes the following topics:

  • Ethical Business Practices
  • Labour practices and workers’ rights
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Environmental and resource management, sustainability

As a Sedex member, we undergo a regular 3rd party SMETA 4P audit to check for compliance with the topics above in our company based on applicable laws and the ETI Base Code, which in turn is based on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions.

Regular trainings on the topics are conducted in our company and an independent complaints office is available to our employees. Annual internal audits concerning these topics monitor compliance. These also ensure an up-to-date evaluation of our business process risks and serve as a progress report as well as a review for achieving objectives. With regard to the supply chain, we communicate our values, and in particular the ETI Basic Code, to our suppliers in order to make a positive contribution to compliance and to promote the development of CSR systems among our suppliers.